10 Myths About Bedbugs

What do you think you know about bedbugs?

There are a lot of misconceptions about the humble bedbug. Bedbugs belong to a highly specialized family of insects that feed on the blood of humans, bats, and birds. The most famous members are the moderate human parasite Cimex lectularius (meaning "bedbug" in Latin) and Cimex hemipterus, a tropical version. Bedbugs are the most commonly recognized insects in the world, which are known to have fed humans whenever and wherever they have been sleeping for more than 4,000 years - and probably significantly longer.

Bedbugs are mandatory hematophagous ectoparasites, which means they feed only on the blood of vertebrates. There are varieties of bugs that feed on birds and bats, but our particular problem feeds on humans.

Here are some of the usual myths about bedbugs.

If you wake up with insect bites, you have bedbugs

Badges have a burning effect in places that are exposed during sleep, on the arms, legs, and back, as well as on the face and eyes, especially in places that do not have hair, have a thin epidermis and abundant blood.

However, bedbugs are not the only night feeder on humans. Many other arthropods can be the cause of your bite marks, including fleas, mites, or even spiders. Also, many medical conditions cause a rash that looks similar to bug bites. If traces exist but you can not find signs of infection, consider traveling to your doctor.

Are you the only one in your household who wakes up with bites?

People react to the beams in a different way, just like with mosquito bites or other insect bites. It’s really about how your body reacts to saliva when you’re bitten. Two people can sleep on the same mattress with a bed and can wake up without any signs of being bitten while the other is covered in blackness.

Bedbugs can’t be seen with the naked eye

While bedbugs are quite small insects, they are not microscopic. If you know where to look for them, you can definitely see them without the help of a magnifying glass. The nymph is about the size of a poppy seed and grows larger from it. Adults with beds range a little more than 1/8 inches, or about the size of an apple seed or lentils. Eggs, which are just the size of a pinhead, will be harder to see without increasing.

Bed bugs progress through five stages of minors (so-called Instars) during which small versions are adult, but different colors. All stages of life in the bedbug require feeding blood in order to move to the next one.

  1. Sticky infections are rare

Although the rainbows all disappeared in developed countries in the 1930s, and yet in the 1980s, global clump infections grew in the 21st century. Century. The increase in activity in bed is evident on all continents except Antarctica. In the United States, bedbugs are reported in all 50 states, and it is estimated that one in five Americans had a magic infection in their home or you know someone who encountered them.

Today, infestations are found in offices and retail environments, in the health and transportation sector, and even in movie houses: basically, anywhere people sleep or sit.

It is estimated that in the U.S. between 2000 and 2013, there were 1,000,000 people in the United States. Since 2010, only 220 million household thighs have been involved in human household infections.

  1. Bedbugs are a sign of a dirty house

While there’s a huge social stigma to having a pinch of contagion, bedbugs don’t care how neat and tidy the house is and don’t care if you’re the best housewife on the block. As long as you have blood through your veins, bedbugs will happily dwell in your home. The same rule applies to hotels and resorts. Whether the hotel has bedbugs has nothing to do with a clean or dirty facility. Even a pentagonal resort can host bedbugs.

One thing to keep in mind, however, is that the mess can make it much harder to remove bedbugs once they are in your home because they will have a lot of places to hide.

  1. Bedbugs just sting after dark

While bedbugs prefer to perform their dirty work under the cover of darkness, the light won’t stop the hungry bedbug from biting you. In desperation, some people try to leave all the lights all night, hoping that the bedbugs will remain hidden like cockroaches. All they’re going to do is make you sleep more - deprived.

Bedbugs spend most of their time hidden in group communities. They only come to feed once every three to seven days, usually from 1 to 5 hours. They fully indulge in blood in 10 to 20 minutes, then return to their communities to digest their food. After a meal, adult bedbugs may increase in length from 30 to 50 percent and weight from 150 to 200 percent.

  1. Bedbugs live in mattresses

Badges hide in the seams and cracks of your mattress. Since these night insects feed on blood, it is their advantage to live near where you spend the night. But that doesn’t mean bedbugs only live in mattresses. Bedbugs inhabit carpets and couches, wardrobes and wardrobes, and even places you’d never thought to look like, like picture frames and folding panels.

Infestations can be extremely expensive, resulting in multibillion-dollar damage to the hospitality, poultry industry and private and utility households. Costs include paying for pest control, damaging social reputation and replacing infected clothing and furniture.

  1. You can feel the bite

Bedbugs are very small and so are their bits, but bedbug saliva contains a substance that serves as a mild anesthetic, so when you get bitten, it actually gives you the grace of damaging your skin in the first place.

It’s highly unlikely you’d ever feel a lump when that happens.

Later reactions to bites vary from individual to individual. Some people don’t have any reactions; Often bites begin as small obscure lesions about two-tenths of an inch (5 mm) in diameter, which can progress into large circular or fallopian tubes. Some may grow up to as large as .75 to 2.5 inches (2–6 cm) in diameter. If there are a large number of bites, they can give the appearance of a general rash. They itch intensely, cause sleep deprivation and may be associated with secondary bacterial infections as a result of scratching the bite site.

  1. Bedbugs Jump From Floor to Your Bed

Bedbugs aren’t built for jumping. Bedbugs don’t have legs adapted for jumping, like fleas or locusts. Badges also don’t have wings, so they can’t fly. I can only walk to move, so it moves from floor to bed, requires them to climb on the leg of the bed or to scale any things or furniture that you set up near the bed.

It can work to your advantage if you are struggling with bedbugs, as you can create obstacles to keep bedbugs from climbing on your bed. Use a double-sided strip on your feet on the bed or place them in water containers. Of course, if your blanket touches the floor, bedbugs can still rise to your bed, and bedbugs are known to push the wall to the ceilings and then fall on the bed.

  1. Bedbugs transmit diseases to humans.

Although bedbugs can and contain infectious particles of a wide range of diseases, there is little risk that viruses are transmitted to humans.

Until now, scientists have found no evidence that bedbugs are capable of transmitting diseases to human hosts. For this reason, they are considered harmful, not a health threat.

When the outbreak began to spread in the U.S., many health departments and agencies were slow to respond to complaints about debt because they didn’t consider it a public health issue, and funds weren’t allocated to combat them.

Although they do not transmit diseases, bedbugs still pose a health risk. Some people experience serious allergic reactions to clumps, and people who are warmed up may suffer from secondary infections at bite sites. Emotional stress that deals with persistent bedbug infection can also have a negative impact on your health.

  1. Bedbugs can survive a year without a meal

Technically, that’s true. Under the right conditions, bedbugs that survived up to a year without a meal are known. Bedbugs, like all insects, are cold-blooded, so when temperatures drop, their body temperature also decreases. If it is cold enough, the metabolism of the bedbug will slow down, and they will stop eating temporarily.

However, it is highly unlikely that it would ever be cold enough in your home to trigger such a long period of inactivity, so for practical purposes this statement is false. At normal room temperature, bedbug can last two to three months without taking a blood meal, but that’s all.

Regular feeding of moderate climatic linings usually lives up to 485 days at temperatures around 73 F (23 C). In fact, bedbugs require blood from vertebrates for survival, growth, and reproduction. Feeding is necessary for mating, for birth and for mulching, and without it, none of it can be.