Professional Roles and Values

The nursing career enables every individual involved in it to uphold given professional standards. The standards, also called the code of ethics, guide nurses in decision-making on a daily basis. The nursing profession also inculcates certain values such as kindness and compassion, which enable nursing professionals to develop a caring attitude, which is fundamental in nursing care delivery. Consequently, a combination of the nursing code of ethics and the personal values acquired throughout the nursing training program enables one to develop a mission statement that is essential in discharging various duties as a professional nurse. The nursing regulatory bodies and professional organizations play a crucial role in ensuring that nurses uphold the set standards of efficient nursing care delivery. This paper examines the functional differences between the nursing regulatory agency and professional organizations, two provisions of the nursing code of ethics and their influence on nursing practice, four professional traits from the American Nurses Association (ANA) Code of Ethics, and a personal experience in observing beneficence and autonomy.

Functional Differences between Regulatory Agency and Professional Nursing Organizations

Professional nursing organizations are essential because they help in advocating for the needs of the nurses. Similarly, the regulatory agencies are important because they set the standard for practice, thus protecting the clients. In my nursing practice, they have significant influences but with some differences.

First, the California Board of Registered Nursing [BRN] deals with regulating the nursing practice. The regulation is significant because it has to ensure that I am competent enough to deliver nursing services that meet the required standards, thus protecting the public from poor-quality care. On the other hand, the American Nurses Association [ANA] is committed to providing resources such as finances that are essential in improving the academic achievements of nurses. Improvement of my educational background is necessary because it can enable me to apply evidence-based practice efficiently, which is important in delivering high-quality and affordable care.

Secondly, BRN focuses on protecting the consumers of the nursing services. Consequently, it has to ensure that I complete the nursing training, pass my regulatory examination, and go through a thorough background check for them to be convinced that I cannot commit any crime to the patients. Additionally, I have to present my license for renewal by the board biennially. The renewal is significant because the board has to be further convinced that I continue to deliver the expected care to the patients without ceasing. On the other hand, ANA focuses on the welfare of nurses. It ensures adequate staffing, observance of the code of ethics, and a healthy work environment. These aspects are significant because the promotion of adequate staffing and a healthy work environment can help to prevent me from a burnout in the healthcare setting. Furthermore, ANA advocates for the needs of nurses, encourages research, and provides professional instruments such as the drug finder tool, which are necessary for helping nurses in their work. Therefore, ANA can help me in my professional growth using evidence-based practice while campaigning for my safety and rights.

Nursing Code of Ethics and Influence on My Practice

Provisions of the nursing code of ethics, namely the first and the third provisions, have played a significant role in my practice. The first provision concerns compassion and respect for human dignity. I have followed this requirement when developing relationships with patients. For instance, when providing nursing care, I have noticed that establishing rapport with my clients improves their compliance with medications. This practice has enabled me to provide nursing care compassionately. Additionally, I have had to respect the patients when they decline any medical or nursing interventions that I may want to initiate.

The third provision is about advocating and protecting the rights of the patients and their safety. During clinical placements, I usually monitor the observations of acutely ill patients. This practice has enabled me to request any necessary interventions from my fellow nurses or doctors, thus ensuring that patient recovery is not compromised. Additionally, I do not share the information of my patients with unauthorized persons, a practice that has earned me respect among my fellow nurses.

Four Professional Traits from ANA

The ANA code of ethics can enable a nurse to develop various professional traits that are significant to nursing care delivery. The two provisions have allowed me to identify four professional characteristics. The first trait is appropriate interactions in the healthcare environment. As a professional nurse, I recognize that creating therapeutic relationships with patients and collaborating effectively with my colleagues are fundamental aspects in ensuring improved patient outcome. Another professional trait is developing a character of appreciating the beliefs, customs, and needs of the patients, thus intervening as appropriate. This attribute ensures the observance of patient dignity, which is necessary for my practice. The third trait is practicing privacy and confidentiality. This character can guarantee respect for patients and can result in a healthy relationships with my patients. Lastly, the quality of advocating for the needs of the client appropriately ensures that patients receive appropriate and timely care, and research participants are protected from harm. I can use this last trait to ensure that the rights of every consumer of nursing services are respected.

Autonomy and Beneficence Scenario

Beneficence and Autonomy are significant aspects of the nursing practice and research. Munyaradzi (2012) views beneficence as a situation where healthcare providers provide appropriate health services to the best of their ability and prevent adverse conditions for their patients. The scholars define autonomy as a situation that involves free will and independence in decision-making. Throughout my training program as a nursing student, I have encountered the two aspects when helping to conduct research in the maternity unit.

During my first time to be involved in a research, I was fulfilling the role of collecting data from patients. The study was about the attitudes of first-time mothers towards exclusive breastfeeding. I had to help the researcher by visiting the antenatal and postnatal first-time mothers in the maternity unit to collect their views regarding exclusive breastfeeding. Additionally, I was advised to obtain their opinions about breastfeeding at the workplace and balancing their jobs with breastfeeding their babies.

Before I started to collect the data, I had just learned the aspect of autonomy. The researcher, who was then a Master’s degree student and a close friend, told me to allow the mothers who were unwilling to participate in the interview to withdraw. Many mothers had signed the consent form, but a few of them decided to withdraw just before the interview. I respected their decision and allowed them to quit the process.

Before the completion of the interview, the researcher told me to advise each mother on the importance of breast milk for the child and the significance of prioritizing it over the formula feeds. He also advised me to teach the mothers the breastfeeding position that involved skin-to-skin contact and mother-infant eye contact. Moreover, the researcher said that most of the mothers would have prioritized giving their children artificial feeds because it was their first child, and they did not have enough knowledge on the topic of breastfeeding. Formula feeds result into altered body composition of the infant. Additionally, eye contact and skin-to-skin contact enhance the bonding of the mother and the infant. Therefore, offering the mothers with education on breastfeeding and close body contact for bonding was the primary benefit they had to receive for participating in the research. This education sought to create awareness and prevent harm to the infants of the participants.

I thought the research would not achieve its purpose due to the withdrawal of the relevant subjects, but the investigator completed his study efficiently, and all mothers who participated in the research exhibited the willingness to involve in the same research if they were given a second chance. After the research, I understood the concept of autonomy and beneficence in real practice as well as their importance both to the researcher and the participants. I also realized that when research participants are given the freedom to withdraw from the study, those who remain are likely to participate in a follow-up research, which is critical in ascertaining the validity of previous research studies.

The fundamental responsibility of every professional nurse is to prevent illness, promote health, and alleviate suffering. Before discharging these duties, the nursing regulatory bodies must ensure that each nurse has acquired necessary training that is crucial in the delivery of nursing services. The regulatory agencies can further license a nurse, who then has to join professional organizations to acquire significant benefits, which are indispensable for career growth. Consequently, the professional nurse needs to practice the profession by observing the code of ethics and personal values that do not violate the rights of the patients. In this regard, I recognize that my mission statement is important in increasing my marketability when searching for opportunities for career practice and growth.