Super Vidalista


Super Vidalista tablet is known to have a rebellious formula which cures powerlessness in men. This drug which is known by the name Super Vidalista and include formula Dapoxetine with 20mg/60mg constitution and Tadalafil with a composition of 20mg. These two active ingredients can be used to discard premature ejaculation and enable a man to achieve a quality erection which sustains for a longer period of time.

This medication does not necessarily require a prescription and can be used without one. Also, it is important to note that Vidalista is not as expensive as Viagra and cannot be considered as a financial burden. It is taken an hour before performing sex and is used by people to perform sexual activity.

It is taken with a glass of water and is available at a different dosage. It is received by the client in a private package which is packed discreetly so that the privacy of the client is hampered. These drugs have an explicit leaflet which needs to be read carefully before using it. It has all the information which is needed by the patient in order to consider before taking this medicine.

How to take Super Vidalista?

Super Vidalista pill is taken 1 or 2 hours before the sexual intercourse as an oral dosage of one whole tablet with a glass of water. The pill should not be squash, munch or broken. It may be taken with or without food. The consumption of alcohol or grapefruit juice should be avoided if you are going to take Vidalista. Take one whole tablet of extra super Vidalista at least 30 minutes to 1 hour of the planned sexual intercourse. Don’t crush, break or chew the tablet.

Avoid overdosing medicine. Do not drink alcohol or grapefruit juice near consuming Extra Super Vidalista. However, the medicine can be used before or after meals.

How Does It Work?

Super Vidalista is a member of drug family classified as selective inhibitor of cyclic-GMP–specific phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5).The members of this class work by selectively impede mcyclic-GMP catabolism in muscle cells of origination area. By doing so, tadalafil is believed to be helpful in regulating the natural erectile response of a person following sexual stimulations. The other active part of this medication Dapoxetine provides help in delaying erection by blocking reuptake of serotonin from the synapse by 5-hydroxytryptamine receptors (5-HT) transporters. The ejaculatory delay helps in avoiding premature ejaculation issues and helps you enjoy longer and sustained sexual intercourse with your partner for better experience.


Missed Dose

If you have missed your daily dosage, then you must contact your doctor immediately and then take his or her advice. However, you can always have the tablet later, at least half an hour before starting your sexual intercourse.


In case of overdosing on these tablets, you must contact your doctor immediately and get proper medical attention.

Side Effects:

• Skin allergies

• Breathing Problems

• Chest Pain

• Swelling of Body Parts (face, lips, eyelids etc)

• Body Pain or Sudden Weakness

• A headache

• Decreased/Loss of Hearing

• Painful / Prolonged Erection

• Dizziness

Warning and Precautions:

Tadalafil Dapoxetine should be used very cautiously in:

Taking Tadalafil Dapoxetine along with nitrate medicines may cause severe hypotension, therefore avoid using both these medicines concomitantly.

Do not take Grapefruit syrup and fat meals along with Tadalafil Dapoxetine as it may interfere with the absorption of Super Vidalista.

Driving and operating big machinery is not advised while using Tadalafil Dapoxetine as it causes Dizziness.

Consuming alcohol and other sedatives along with Tadalafil Dapoxetine is not recommended.

Blood pressure lowering medications (Antihypertensives).

In the patients having Penile deformity or having Painful ED continuing for more than 4 hours.

In patients who are taking treatment with Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors.


You should keep your Supe vidalista medicine in their blister pack up to used and store in a cool, dry place where the temperature stays below 30°C.

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