32 Ways to Use Facebook for Your Golf Course Marketing

In today’s high-tech, instant access world, a Facebook page is a must for any effective golf advertising campaign. Simply putting up just any kind of page is not going to cut it though; in order to make this aspect of your golf course marketing strategy instrumental in attracting new members and increased revenue to your golf course or private club, you need to put some extra time and effort into building a page that works. Here are 32 ways to enhance your golf course or club’s Facebook page and make this aspect of your golf advertising efforts more effective than ever before:


  1. Make your Facebook account a business one, not a personal one.

  2. Apprise yourself of the rules and terms of having a business account on Facebook and follow them to the tee (pun intended).

  3. Complete every detail of your profile in order to establish trust and transparency.

  4. Enhance your golf course marketing results by including information about your newsletter in your profile including archives and subscription details.

  5. Separate friend and work relationships through separate accounts or profile settings.

  6. Use applications and feeds to integrate your Facebook and other social media accounts such as Twitter.

  7. Maximize privacy and professionalism by using the settings feature to hide any personal information.

  8. Hide any personal pictures from business contacts using settings capabilities.

  9. Use professional looking pictures of yourself on your profile to build trust and enhance your branding.


  1. Use a vanity url to help users find you on Facebook.

  2. Include your Facebook url in your email signature and any other golf advertising materials.

  3. Do your research on potential leads before making connections on Facebook.

  4. Use Facebook contact information to help you plan your meetings and trips.

  5. To set up Facebook Friend Finder, upload your email contacts to your Facebook account .

  6. Make use of Friend Finder to expand your golf advertising network.

  7. Post business-related news on your Wall such as business-to-business activities.

  8. Link articles and videos to your course and club’s Facebook page to engage your visitors and promote credibility.

  9. Link posts from Twitter to Facebook and vice versa to maximize your virtual golf course marketing campaign.

  10. Purchase Facebook advertisements that appeal to your target audience.

  11. Suggest friends to your fans to enhance credibility.

  12. Add even more social networking capabilities to your online golf advertising campaign through the use of Facebook Connect.

  13. Peruse your client’s friend lists to find mutual friends.

  14. Locate golf experts on Facebook and message them to extend invitations as guest speakers or bloggers.

  15. Post survey results as interest grabbers and as a way to establish your course or club as an authority.

  16. Offer discounts and coupons on your Wall.

  17. Research Facebook Beacon and evaluate its usefulness for your golf course marketing campaign.

Use Group and Fan Pages

  1. Build a group or fan page for your site.

  2. Add all profile information to your group or fan site, especially newsletter archives and subscription details.

  3. Announce course or club events on your group or fan page to garner attention and inform members of upcoming activities.

  4. Maintain a constant flow of information on your group or fan page so that it doesn’t become stagnant. Respond promptly to fan questions and comments.

  5. Seek out related groups and networks, and join them.

  6. Search for related fan and group pages to recruit new fans for your course or club.

For more information on how to increase the effectiveness of your golf advertising campaign by building and maintaining a strong Facebook presence, visit icptoday.com or call 866-636-6789.