Chris Lytle Retires, Rangers And More

Lytle retires after victory over Hardy

Chris Lytle, who is now 36 years old is ready to say goodbye to the UFC after his outstanding victory over Dan Hardy at UFC Live on August 14. The veteran fighter got injured on one of his knees at the beginning of the year, and it seems like during his time of rest, he meditated about his future and came to the conclusion that leaving the sport was the best way to go for him, as he mentioned that "this is not the kind of sport to compete in if you don’t want to be there, I felt like I was starting to slip, so I knew I had one more in me, and that was it." He finished.

Rangers are superior than Angels

With Texas leading the division, the Angels are seeing their chances of becoming the division champs quite distant, especially after their 8-4 loss to the Rangers yesterday, which is the first match of a 4-game series between the 2 teams that is being held at Anaheim Stadium. And even though there is still 40 games for the playoffs, it will be difficult for the Angels to get to where they want to be because they are five games behind Texas, and it is clear that the Rangers will continue to on to play as good as they’ve been doing so while the team from Los Angeles will have to start thinking of what they can do next season.

Boozer playing overseas, not a good idea

Since Carlos Boozer is a player that is constantly getting injured (he has spent more than twenty games off the court during each of the past four seasons), his aspirations to play overseas during the NBA lockout doesn’t seem like a great idea for a veteran player that carries such fragile physical conditions, as he signed a big contract extension with the Bulls, and if he gets to play  outside the USA and gets injured, he won’t be the player that Chicago is going to need in order to face an upcoming season that might possibly be more fast-paced and shorter than others.

Zambrano is not retiring, gets penalized

Pitcher Carlos Zambrano said that he wanted to retire after his poor performance from Friday against the Braves, but then the veteran player mentioned that such words were expressed out of frustration, and mentioned that "I want to keep pitching for the Cubs, it was a bad Friday night. I feel so bad that I want to retire. I don’t want to be making $18 million and be pitching like crap." He said. Thought he might not be retiring, such behavior got his name placed under the disqualified list and it also cost him a 30-day no salary penalty.