Clean your Sports Equipment with Gear Wash

As Tom S. says, the best cure here is the prevention – Gear Wash.

After every game and practice, I take my hockey gear out of the bag, and hang it up down in my basement. Everything gets hung up, including my skates, off the ground. I don’t put my gear back into the bag until I’m packing it to leave for the next game or practice.

If your gear is really vile, check at your local hockey equipment store or pro shop, and ask if they have or know of a drop off cleaning service or laundry soap. These services will take your gear, bag and all, and clean all of it. It’s completely safe for your equipment, including your skates, and most of the time they can completely eliminate the smell. Then, after you pay a minimal cost for that, keep your gear dry, I can usually go 5 to 6 months without needing my gear cleaned that way. However, I would say that washing it at least 2 times a year will keep you safe from MRSA.

Some shops sell a laundry detergent that will kill viruses and bacteria off you gear I tried it and it works great. The stuff is called Gear Wash and it works awesome.

Why is it important to keep hockey equipment clean? Aside from the funky smell there are potentially serious health risks. Bacteria (typically Staph) can breed in equipment. All this bacteria needs is a means of entering the body (typically through a cut) and you could find yourself visiting an Emergency Room. The chances of this happening are rare but why risk it. Plus, nobody likes to smell stinky hockey equipment.

I strongly disagree that hockey gear smell is a ‘way of life.’ It’s not. It means there’s bacteria in your gear, and that bacteria is not healthy. Taking a few steps to take care of your – very expensive – equipment will make it last longer, smell better and not give you rashes, jock itch or worse. Some players have been known to get (MRSA) from their dirty hockey equipment.

I play 3-5 times a week, and most nights my gear is completely soaked with sweat when I get it home. And for the most part, it doesn’t smell at all. That is because I keep it washed clean. Only washing will truly work, I mean think about it. If you never have washed your hockey equipment or lacrosse gear or whatever sport your into, it is dirty and full of bacteria and unless you wash it nothing is going to leave your equipment because you told it too. Again it is smart to clean your sports equipment and it will not only smell better, but it will be safe from game ending injury bacteria. Mold and mildew will play a part in your nasty smell and washing it with Gear Wash kills that stuff too. I hope this information helps you as that it has done wonders for me a few of my close friends.