How Can A Wine And Cheese Party Lower Your Blood Pressure

A wine and cheese party can be a fun way to relax and make new friends. It’s also a great way to lower your blood pressure.

Cheese and wine parties are great for large get-togethers. Make it lots of fun by having every guest bring a bottle of wine and an exotic cheese. It’s a fantastic way to try new wines and cheeses … and a perfect conversation starter.

A cheese and wine party is also the perfect way to relax … both yourself and your arteries. Wine is good for lowering blood pressure … and so is cheese.

A Glass of Red Wine

Red wine contains a protective antioxidant — the flavonol called resveratrol. This powerful antioxidant protects your arteries against the damage done by free radicals … and helps prevent hardening of your arteries.

The flavonoid in red wine also keeps your blood platelets from clumping together … stopping this first step in the formation of deadly blood clots. A glass of red wine keeps your blood flowing smoothly through your arteries.

Even more important for your blood pressure … recent studies have shown that drinking red wine improves the function of your artery linings. When the linings of your arteries are working well … they freely dilate and bring down your blood pressure.

A glass or two of red wine a day … this is the perfect amount to keep your heart and arteries young — and keep your blood pressure normal. The darker the red wine … the better. Dark red wines are higher in the protective resveratrol flavonoid. Forget about white wines … they pale by comparison.

A Wedge of Cheese

Although cheese has lots of saturated fat and can raise cholesterol levels … a little cheese is good for you. Like red wine, cheese is good for you if eaten in moderation.

During the cheese making process, while the milk is fermenting … peptides are released from the milk proteins. These peptides help control your blood pressure … by inhibiting the enzymes that convert angiotensin.

When the protein angiotensin is converted into angiotensin II. Angiotensin II is a peptide that constricts your arteries and increases the retention of water and sodium. This whole process really pumps up your blood pressure.

The other peptides — found in fermented milk products like cheese — put a stop to this reaction that ups the blood pressure. Eating a small wedge of cheese blocks the enzyme that creates angiotensin II, keeps your arteries relaxed, and keeps your blood pressure down.

Relax With a Glass of Shiraz and a Slice of Gruyere

After a hard day at the office … when tension has got your blood pressure creeping up … enjoy some nice cheeses with a glass of red wine. Relax … relax your arteries … bring your blood pressure back down to normal. Your heart will love you for it.