Online Dating Rules: What Photos are You Posting

When you are putting your profile together it’s important to pay attention to the details. Things like your headline, photo and comments in your profile can make the difference between someone who approaches you and someone who passes you by. A picture really does say a thousand words. A single picture can tell someone more than just what you look like. They also can tell someone about your recreational choices, your choice in coffee houses, and even a bit about your self-confidence level.

Here are a few tips to make your online photo the best it can be:

  • If you don’t have any suitable recent photos, arrange to go out with friends. Relax and have fun. Get your friends to take lots of photos of you. Hopefully, you’ll get at least one that you’re happy to post.

  • If you have a photo of yourself in a social environment, use that one. It will give a better impression than one of you seated on your sofa at home.

  • Watch for identifying landmarks in your photos. If you routinely go biking on the local trail and post a picture of yourself and bike on that trail, it is unsafe to post on your profile. You may open yourself up to a stalker.

  • Don’t post photos of yourself looking unhappy, drunk, hung-over, lonely, or on a bad hair day!

  • Avoid expensive accessories for your photo. It sends a high maintenance signal.

  • If you want to post multiple photos, make sure that they’re varied and interesting.

  • Avoid multiple photos taken at the same time. Don’t use it as an opportunity to demonstrate in six different ways how attractive you are. It should be an opportunity to convey the fact that you’ve got an interesting life.

  • It’s OK to change your photo from time to time if you come up with better ones, or if they get more than a year old.

  • Even if a photo is a professional one make it look casual. Never wear high fashion garments or accessories. This is the time that casual speaks louder than professional.

  • Your photo should accurately represent you as you are today. For example, if you have lost or gained more than 10 pounds you should replace the photograph with one that is accurate.

Nothing screams desperate faster than a woman who posts a photo of herself 10 years younger than she is, or a man 20 pounds’ thinner.

Dating sites will often give you guidelines for your photos. Be sure you read these and comply or you might find yourself reported to the management. Many times, they ask that you are central to the photo and usually the only one in it. The photo should be clear and current.

Be sure that your photo is:

  • one of you smiling

  • shows your eyes clearly

  • represents the real you.


  • Post photos in skimpy, tight clothing.

  • Use heavy makeup.

  • Only wearing dark glasses.

Remember that your photo represents YOU before they can meet the real you.