Pearl Powder A Treasure Of Great Value And Price

Pearls were considered by the ancients among the most precious of gems, and were highly esteemed as ornaments. In biblical days they were called (Pearl of Great Price), a hidden treasure, where people sought "goodly pearls" and sold all they had. The caprices of luxury in the Roman empire gave prominence to pearls, over emeralds and sapphires, they were the costliest of all adornments.

The story of Cleopatra and the fact that the opening of a new pearl market was one of the alleged motives which led the Emperor Claudius to invade Britain, are indications of the value that was then set on the "goodly pearls". Caesar attempted to restrict the wearing of pearls, a symbol of wealth and prestige, only "to those of a designated position and age."

Pearls were so treasured and of great price, that people used the term "Pearls of wisdom", comparing wisdom to the preciousness of pearls, which is found in the book of Job in the Old Testament." Job said in essence,"pearls are the most valuable, sought after gem…but wisdom is even more precious." Unlike other precious stones which must be cut and polished to reveal their clarity and beauty, the pearl is perfect as it comes from the oyster.

"Pearl – The Purity of White which is a sign of Truth, Peace, and Happiness"

The jewelry is known for its powerful soothing and calming effects. It is considered to be the gemstone of nourishment and nurturing. Pearls are known to promote general health by restraining diseases and disorders from the body with its curative properties.

Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt was regarded as a great beauty. To preserve the vitality and beauty of her skin, she drank a concoction of vinegar-and-pearl, and regularly took baths in milk and pearl powder. She this offered drink as a toast to her husband Mark Anthony, for it was thought to be an aphrodisiac. Later, Emperor Caligula, too, was said to "drink pearls of great price dissolved in vinegar."

The Chinese have used pearl powder for thousands of years. It has been noted that the artists in the Tang Dynasty used powder before putting on their stage makeup.

The empress Wu Ze Tian (625 AD – 705 AD), China’s only female emperor, used pearl powder to maintain her beauty. She consumed pearl powder daily, and applied pearl powder topically to her skin. When she ascended the throne at the age of 65, her beauty had become legendary and it has been said that was as radiant and flawless as a young woman.

Their beauty regime spread like wildfire and soon reached high society.

Today an increasing amount of modern science validates the ancient Chinese wisdom about the pearl.

In 2004, Scientists were Amazed when they discovered that the creation of the pearl is nearly identical to the human DNA that is responsible for the regulation of calcium metabolism in the human body. In other words, Humans share a deep-rooted kinship with pearl, all the way down to the DNA level. The elements that make pearls luminous and strong, in fact do the same for skin and body.

Similar studies have been shown that when pearl powder is taken internally, relieves dizziness, headaches, irritability, and improves sleep. They found that pearl can reduce lipid peroxide and cholesterol levels of coronary diseased patients, boost immune functions, extends life span and also improve the quality of life.

Today Pearl Powder in its pulverized form, is the beauty secret of the Elite, Mother of all superfoods, Queen of all beauty herbals. Pearl Powder helps maintain youthful function of cells and healthy telomeres, protects the body from harmful free radicals and target the sources of aging, such as oxidative stress.

Not only does it beautify skin, it relieves uneasiness, nervousness, anxiety and tension. It also promotes sound sleep, prevents nerve-disorders, and prevents or overcomes fatigue. Sounds like something we could all use a little more of in today’s busy and hurried world!

Pearl Powder has become so widely loved throughout the world, that many people are jumping on board to sell this treasured product. But beware, not all pearl powder is alike. Many are offering fake powder to the public that is harmful to the skin and causing sickness.

Through extensive research, you can purchase Supreme High Quality Pearl Powder, at an amazingly low price at, owned and operated by Age Defying Secrets, who has been in business since 2001. This Primo Powder is FDA Approved and Registered – GMP Certified, and has received the seal of approval by Goop.

Pearl Powder is a precious gift that everyone needs in their life to be a healthier, happier, younger looking and feeling you.