The Hair Loss Problem A Psycho Philosophical Approach

Many people experience the hair loss problem. Me too, I am one of them today.(Thinking at this, you can be assured regarding my sincerity).This is an unlucky situation, to loss the hair, to be “not so completed” as the others, to have some trouble to recognize. in the morning, from month to month, her or his nice look in the mirror.

Basically, humans are equal upon the born condition. We have a native dowry that include our hair in his place We are proud if our hair it’s so nice that can impress others just by simple existence. We have built a look, an attitude for life, OUR LOOK, OUR ATTITUDE and suddenly…bang !…the hair loss problem becomes the most important in our life.

We treat it sentimentally and that affect more and soon our psychic equilibrium. We become agitated and unstable, finally stressed and at this point we build a vicious environment for us (because the stress is a known factor for alopecia) and for others (because they can’t understand nothing and penalize our social relationship).

OK, let’s consider the situation at this point .Just sit down and think at this:

What is so difficult to accept ? Maybe is the change of our look. Maybe is the fact that we worry for others reaction and we think that they can change something regarding us. Right motivation and possible situation,sometimes. But we have really changed ? Of course NOT. We are the same in everything can determine our life approach. What are only changed ? Appearances ! How many times have you noticed , in the life, situations that are just a crust for the truth content ?

Can you really understand your situation ? You must understand yourself, be in your EGO quietly and try to convince people that you are the same being the same ! There are many causes for the hair loss but think at the fact that are many other peoples who experience this personnel “tragedy” and are many other peoples that don’t more have an arm, a leg or even an eye. You are not an exception , this is a human existential possibility , just be aware that God want try your patience, your will and your power. This is your possibility to prove what genial you are without any references to your physical look .

Be smart and smile ! You know ? I am even proud because I experience the hair loss problem. I am myself. You can be yourself everyday even if you have alopecia. We all, we are men and women who have a mission to accomplish in this life.

(But, of course, you can try to correct this freak of existence curing your hair loss. Some ideas you can find on my blog).